Minggu, 19 April 2015

Bahasa inggris Bisnis 2

Definition Of Subject

:  one that is placed under authority or control: as
a :  vassal

b (1) :  one subject to a monarch and governed by the monarch’s law (2) :  one who lives in the territory of, enjoys the protection of, and owes allegiance to a sovereign power or state

a :  that of which a quality, attribute, or relation may be affirmed or in which it may inhere
b :  substratum; especially :  material or essential substance

c :  the mind, ego, or agent of whatever sort that sustains or assumes the form of thought or consciousness

a :  a department of knowledge or learning
b :  motive, cause

c (1) :  one that is acted on <the helpless subject of their cruelty> (2) :  an individual whose reactions or responses are studied (3) :  a dead body for anatomical study and dissection

d (1) :  something concerning which something is said or done <the subjectof the essay> (2) :  something represented or indicated in a work of art

e (1) :  the term of a logical proposition that denotes the entity of which something is affirmed or denied; also :  the entity denoted (2) :  a word or word group denoting that of which something is predicated

f :  the principal melodic phrase on which a musical composition or movement is based

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